Read my other articles
06.12.2024 – 12 of the 23 local councillors appoint Waucquez as mayor: “Now it’s time to renovate De Klimboom”.
12 of the 23 local councillors appoint Waucquez as burgomaster: [...]
12.10.2024 – Update on municipal finances
An update on municipal finances Bertrand Waucquez, your finance [...]
10.10.2024 – A last-minute flyer from MR-Défi, containing alarmist and misleading messages.
To govern is not only to foresee, but also to [...]
11.10.2024 – OCTOBER 13 ELECTIONS – your mayor speaks to you
09.10.2024 – Burgemeester ziet laatste campagnedagen in rook opgaan door covid-besmetting: “Ik hou mij aan mijn eigen strenge regels”
Translation FR The mayor sees the last days of his [...]
01.10.2024 – Interview with Bertrand Waucquez, your mayor, and Carel Edwards, president of Kraainem-Unie
01.10.2024 - Interview with Bertrand Waucquez, your mayor, and Carel [...]
26.09.2024- VERKIEZINGEN 2024. Kraainemse politiek blijft een delicate evenwichtsoefening: naar waar helt de balans straks over?
VERKIEZINGEN 2024. Kraainemse politiek blijft een delicate evenwichtsoefening: naar waar [...]
Bertrand Waucquez’s speech in Ukrainian on Ukrainian Independence Day!
Sincere congratulations to all Ukrainians on the occasion of the [...]
What about green zones in Kraainem? What is the RUP?
What about green zones in Kraainem? What is the RUP? [...]
31.07.2024 – Vooral ondergelopen kelders en garages door zwaar onweer: “Ook voertuig beschadigd en water in sporthal”
31.07.2024 Vooral ondergelopen kelders en garages door zwaar onweer: “Ook [...]
07.31.2024 – Ondergelopen kelders en garages in Wezembeek-Oppem en Kraainem door zwaar onweer: “Ook voertuig beschadigd en water in sporthal”
31.07.2024 Ondergelopen kelders en garages in Wezembeek-Oppem en Kraainem door [...]
28.06.2024 – Bertrand Waucquez (Kraainem-Unie) wil zichzelf opvolgen als burgemeester
28.06.2024 Bertrand Waucquez (Kraainem-Unie) wil zichzelf opvolgen als burgemeester [...]
26.06.2024 – Bertrand Waucquez kandidaat om zichzelf op te volgen als burgemeester van Kraainem
26.06.2024 Bertrand Waucquez kandidaat om zichzelf op te volgen als [...]
26.06.2024 – Burgomaster Bertrand Waucquez heads “Kraainem-Unie” list for municipal elections
26.06.2024 Le bourgmestre Bertrand Waucquez tête de liste « Kraainem-Unie [...]
26.06.2024 – In Kraainem, Mayor Bertrand Waucquez will stand for re-election in October
26.06.2024 A Kraainem, le bourgmestre Bertrand Waucquez sera candidat à [...]
06.26.2024 – “Omwonenden Brussels Airport lopen meer risico op diabetes en dementie”
26-06-2024 "Omwonenden Brussels Airport lopen meer risico op diabetes en [...]
21.06.2024 – Mechelse herder Joz versterkt politiezone WoKra
06.21.2024 - Het Nieuwsblad Korpschef Philip Beke en burgemeesters [...]
Cambio car sharing starts with two electric cars
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Cambio car sharing starts with two [...]
23.05.2024 – Let’s set the record straight: the opposition claims that the burgomaster has his forum in a FB group in which the opposition has been blocked since 2018.
23.05.2024 The opposition claims that the mayor has [...]
23.05.2024 – Let’s set the record straight: according to the opposition, Kraainem-Unie is taking flyers out of letterboxes?
23.05.2024 Selon l’opposition, Kraainem-Unie retire des [...]
20.05.17 – New permit for Brussels Airport: 13 Flemish NGOs and associations to take Brussels to the Administrative Court
BX1 - 05-17-2024 New permit for Brussels Airport: 13 Flemish [...]
07.05.2024 – Everzwijnen schuiven op naar stedelijke omgeving: dit jaar al 10 waarnemingen van everzwijnen in Kraainem
VRT News - 07-05-2024 Everzwijnen schuiven op naar stedelijke omgeving: [...]
06.05.2024 -Inwoners vinden weg naar meldpunt voor everzwijnen: “Al tien waarnemingen dit jaar”
HNB - 06-05-2024 Inwoners vinden weg naar meldpunt voor everzwijnen: [...]
05.05.2024 – Linguistic hassles continue in communes with facilities
La Libre Belgique - 05-05-2024 Linguistic hassles continue in communes [...]
28.04.2024 – Setting the record straight: garage sales 2024
28.04.2024 Did the burgomaster try to cancel part of [...]
15.04.2024 – Let’s set the record straight: is Bertrand Waucquez as far-right as the opposition claims?
April 2024Opposition representatives have often written this [...]
20.03.2024 – In Kraainem, the Q8 freeway slip road is to disappear: “we don’t want chaos everywhere at once”.
La Libre - 20.03.2024 In Kraainem, the Q8 freeway slip [...]
03.28.2024 – Work on the Léonard tunnel – Interview with Bertrand Waucquez on RTBF Matin Première
Radio RTBF La Première - 28-03-2024 Work on the Léonard [...]
03.28.2024 – Work on the Léonard tunnel – Interview with Bertrand Waucquez on RTBF Vivacité
Radio RTBF Vivacité - 28-03-2024 Work on the Léonard tunnel [...]
20.03.28 – Ring Road construction: an “unacceptable situation
DH - 28-03-2024 Work on the Ring: an "unacceptable [...]
13.03.2024 – Welke verkiezingsbeloftes uit 2018 werden gerealiseerd in Kraainem? En welke niet? “Enkele inwoners houden vernieuwing school tegen”
Het Laatste Nieuws - 03-13-2024 Welke verkiezingsbeloftes uit 2018 werden [...]
07.03.2024 – Een memorandum voor eertelijnzone (ELZ) Druivenstreken
Ring TV- 07.03.2024 Een memorandum voor eertelijnzone (ELZ) Druivenstreken [...]
Five years of results and counting! (2023)
What are the commune's achievements? How are your [...]
29.02.2024 – Kraainem lanceert meldpunt om everzwijnenpopulatie in kaart te brengen
VRT NEWS - 29.02.2024 Kraainem lanceert meldpunt om everzwijnenpopulatie in [...]
02.25.2024 – Hoe laat uw burgemeester Kraainem achter?
De Standaard - 02-25-2024 Hoe laat uw burgemeester Kraainem achter? [...]
12.02.2024 – Brussels periphery: which communes with facilities are seeing their population grow?
BX1 - 12.02.2024 Brussels suburbs: which communes with facilities are seeing [...]
24.01.2024 – Wallonia issues a negative opinion on the renewal of Brussels Airport’s environmental permit
7sur7 - 01-24-2024 Wallonia issues a negative opinion on the [...]
09.01.2024 – Brussels Airport’s new permit is the focus of a protest movement
L'Echo - 09.01.2024 Protest grows over [...]
06.01.2024 – Brussels Airport public inquiry draws little response from local residents: “We’re putting obstacles in their way”.
L'Avenir - 06.01.2024 Brussels Airport public inquiry draws little response [...]
05.01.2024 – Brussels Airport public inquiry draws little response from local residents: “We’re putting obstacles in their way”.
La Libre Belgique ECO - 05-01-2024 Brussels Airport public inquiry [...]
04.01.2024 – Permits for Brussels Airport: the end of the public inquiry draws near, organizations beat the drum
RTBF -04-01-2024 Permits for Brussels Airport: the end of the [...]
12.11.2023 – Expanding Brussels Airport? These residents are opposed to the project and are calling for three measures to protect their well-being
RTL INFO - 12.11.2023 Developing Brussels airport? These residents are [...]
12.09.2023 – Septemberverklaring voor burgemeesters in 2026 verplicht
Het Laatste Nieuws - 2023-09-12 Septemberverklaring voor burgemeesters in 2026 [...]
First budget amendment 2023
First budget amendment 2023 In July 2023, the local council [...]
11.07.2023 – Twee jaar overleg, maar geen pact voor de luchthaven
De Standaard - 2023-07-11 Twee jaar overleg, maar geen pact [...]
Modification of the June 2023 multi-year plan submitted in July
To give us time to carry out all the necessary [...]
10.06.2023 – A front of mayors of municipalities with facilities against the “Ben Weyts attack”.
La Libre Belgique - 2023-06-10 A front of mayors of [...]
09.04.2022 – On the Flemish outskirts of BXL, property prices soar too
L'Avenir - 09-04-2022 On the Flemish outskirts of BXL, [...]
Using pseudonyms on Facebook
The use of pseudonyms is unfortunately a reality [...]
Coronavirus: Kraainem, Belgium’s best-ventilated municipality
2021-11-16 / Le SoirCoronavirus: Kraainem, Belgium's best-ventilated municipality [...]
11.11.2021 – Crainhem Belgium’s best-ventilated commune
Le Soir - 11-17-2021 Public authorities finally kick into gear [...]
08.11.2021 – Rétablissons la vérité: Boulevard de la Woluwe cut off
Boulevard de la Woluwe cut-off point "Boulevard de [...]
01.11.2021 – Setting the record straight: Kraainem metro parking lot
Parking Kraainem metro: "When on see that the [...]
15.10.2021 – Rectifions la vérité : fermeture de la berme centrale av de Wezembeek : qu’en est-il ?
15.10.2021 Fenclosure of the central berm av de Wezembeek What's [...]
01.09.2021 – Setting the record straight: September festivities
September festivals September 2021 festivities (post covid): "And [...]
Mid-term review (2022)
January 2022 A mid-term review shared transparently with residents [...]
Some considerations on ventilation and the COVID-19 health crisis (2020-2021)
December 2021 Ventilation and use of CO2 sensors in [...]
The commune’s financial situation and outlook (2021)
December 2021 The commune's financial situation and trends When you [...]
Work along boulevard de la Woluwe: what consequences for Kraainem? (2021)
INTRODUCTION Work along boulevard de la Woluwe (=R22): [...]
Installation of fiber optics (2021)
December 2021 Fibre optics in Kraainem: things are moving ahead! [...]
Flooding in Kraainem (2018-2020)
Novembre 2020 Flood control measures in the north of Kraainem [...]
La Maison de l’Enfant, for whom and what? (2021)
December 2021 La Maison de l'Enfant, for whom and [...]
Language facilities and aspects (2021)
December 2021 Language preferences in the Brussels periphery The Conseil [...]
What future for the Kraainem recycling park? (2020)
November 2020 What future for the Kraainem recycling park? Permanent [...]
Avenue de Wezembeek, problematic traffic lights (2020)
(May 2021) Problematic regional routes and traffic lights Since the [...]
Neighborhood mediation in Kraainem! (2019)
September 2019 Neighborhood mediation in Kraainem! The municipality wishes to [...]
Avenue de Tervueren cycle path (2021)
(May 2021) Avenue de Tervueren cycle path A new phase [...]
Fact-checking – varia
Introduction We have always communicated transparently, and we try to [...]
Carrefour des Quatre Bras redevelopment (2021)
December 2021 Carrefour des Quatre Bras redevelopment On October 8, [...]
Avenue des Dames Blanches real estate project (2021)
December 2021 Avenue des Dames Blanches real estate project The [...]
Air pollution (2019)
2019 14 local associations defending local residents against air pollution [...]
Closure of the central berm on av. de Wezembeek (2021)
December 2021 Closure of the central berm on av. of [...]
Toxic products used on our fields: fact or fiction? (2021)
December 2021Toxic products used on our fields: fact or fiction?Interview [...]
Parking at Crainhem metro station (2018-2020)
December 2021Extension of Kraainem metro parking lot: good news!This summer, [...]
Citizen-financed solar panels (2021)
May 2021Solar panels financed by citizensKraainem has set itself ambitious [...]
AGORA multi-purpose hall (2020-2021)
September 2020 The Agora: a friendly, green building! A [...]
Streets and neighborhoods opened to local traffic (2021)
May 2021 Streets and neighborhoods open to local traffic The [...]
Traders and caterers – the Kraainembons (2021)
A list of participating cafés and restaurants can be [...]
The “Administrative Affairs” Committee, an active committee! (2021)
May 2021 The "Administrative Affairs" Committee, an active committee! Since [...]
Monastère de la Visitation project (2018-2020)
December 2021The convent of the Sisters of the Visitation in [...]
The Château Jourdain janitor’s lodge restored and occupied! (2021)
May 2021 The Château Jourdain janitor's lodge restored and occupied! [...]
Long live youth movements! (2021)
May 2021Long live youth movements!Young people certainly want to forget [...]
Impact of the crisis on municipal finances (2020)
November 2020 Impact of the crisis on municipal finances Financial [...]
The Riopact saga (2021)
May 2021 The Riopact saga One question was raised as [...]
How does a commune work?
How a commune works Municipal administrations have come a long [...]
15.01.2021 – Setting the record straight: Riopact budget
Riopact budget "Multi-year plan December 2020: [...]
12.15.2020 – Rétablissons la vérité: Rue des Seringas
The truth about rue des Seringas Rue des [...]
02.12.2020 – Setting the record straight: noise barriers in the Oiseaux district
"Kraainem-Unie/Pro-Kraainem have refused the placement of a noise barrier in [...]
03.12.2020 – Setting the record straight: Noise barriers
Noise barriers "Noise barriers on the Ring: "Flanders [...]
12.11.2020 – Burgemeester Kraainem roept collega’s op om CO2-meters te gebruiken
Ring tv - 12-11-2020 Burgemeester Kraainem roept collega's op [...]
16.08.2020 – Gerenommeerd epidemioloog van Harvard University looft inzet van CO2-meters tegen coronavirus
HNB - 16-08-2020 Gerenommeerd epidemioloog van Harvard University looft inzet [...]
06.08.2020 – Epidemloloog Harvard University lauwert Kraainem om inzet CO2-meters tegen coronavirus
HLN - 06-08-2020 Epidemloloog Harvard University lauwert Kraainem om inzet [...]
05.08.2020 – The CO2 detector, Kraainem’s mayor’s little idea to combat the coronavirus
RTBF - 05-08-2020 The CO2 detector, Kraainem's mayor's [...]
31.07.2020 – Kraainem stelt preventief gratis C02-meters ter beschikking: “Slechte verluchting verhoogt risico op coronabesmetting
HNB - 07-31-2020 Kraainem stelt preventief gratis C02-meters ter beschikking: [...]
2020.07.30 – Coronavirus: Kraainem doneert preventief CO2-meters om verluchting te meten
Bruzz - 07-30-2020Kraainem stelt gratis CO2-meters ter beschikking van openbare [...]
Rétablissons la vérité – Noise barriers in the Oiseaux neighborhood
"Kraainem-Unie/Pro-Kraainemont refused the placement of a noise barrier [...]