Work along boulevard de la Woluwe (=R22): closure of Exit 5 from the Ring to R22 (at Machelen), R22 cut-off, impact on Kraainem … Many rumors are circulating on social networks: here’s an update on the situation.

To answer the many questions asked by residents, Johan Forton
(Kraainem’s alderman for mobility) and Bertrand Waucquez (Kraainem’s mayor) have produced a document to give you a clearer picture. This document has been validated by Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer and De Werkvennootschap. Here you’ll find reliable information about the reasons for the work, the schedule and the consequences for Kraainem residents.

After the Agency for Roads and Traffic (AWV) completely overhauled the links between the Brussels ring road (R0) and boulevard de la Woluwe in 2017 (which remained unused for many years, when there were still plans to extend the E19 towards Brussels), it is now giving boulevard de la Woluwe itself a “total makeover”. Once the renovation is complete, motorists coming from Diegem and the Chaussée de Haecht in the direction of Vilvoorde will be able to pass through a 600-meter-long tunnel under the Boulevard de la Woluwe (freeing up space for a free two-way bus lane and for safe, comfortable bicycle lanes along the boulevard) and will also be able to use the access ramps that were renovated in 2017 (see map below). In other words, from now on, not only the inner ring but also the outer ring will be directly connected to Boulevard de la Woluwe.

Crossroads with traffic lights for smooth passage between boulevard de la Woluwe (R22) and Brussels ring road (R0) (at E19 x R22 in Machelen)

At the new entrances and exits to the Brussels ring road (at E19 x R22 in Machelen), there will be a crossroads with traffic lights, for traffic coming from the ring road towards Boulevard de la Woluwe and vice versa.

Safe and comfortable bicycle and pedestrian paths along Boulevard de la Woluwe

AWV will also be working on the development of safe and comfortable bicycle paths. These will be installed all along the route, on both sides of Boulevard de la Woluwe, with an underpass at the new R0/R22 complex to separate cyclists from cars.

Two-way bus lane for Ringtrambus

Between the chaussée de Haecht and the Kerklaan, AWV will install a two-way bus lane for Ringtrambus and other services on the side of the boulevard where traffic currently flows towards Diegem and Woluwe-St.-Lambert. Thanks to this lane, the bus will not have to queue up on the boulevard de la Woluwe at the same time as heavy car traffic at peak times. As a result, public transport on this crucial stretch will become an attractive and comfortable alternative for many people. Work on the Werkvennootschap will enable this bus lane to be extended in the direction of Diegem (from the Chaussée de Haecht) and Vilvoorde (from the Kerklaan).

More details on Work on Avenue Woluwe | WVN ( and (NL)

The Kraainem point of view:

A distinction must be made between work that has already been planned (e.g. the closure of exit 5 of the Ring) and work that is still at the design stage and has not yet been definitively decided (e.g. the closure of the R22 in the Woluwe valley at Sint-Stevens-Woluwe and the optimization of the Kraainem ASC).

The works already planned have a very limited long-term impact on mobility in Kraainem, while the works in the design phase have a clear potential impact on mobility in Kraainem.

Concerning work in the design phase with an impact on Kraainem :

De Werkvennootschap is looking at different scenarios and possibilities. There have already been several preliminary discussions between De Werkvennootschap and the municipalities concerned about these proposals, during which the municipality of Kraainem has always defended its point of view, i.e., among other things, an unfavorable opinion on the cutting of the boulevard de la Woluwe R22 (see above “Reaction/input from the municipality of Kraainem”).

For the next phase (first months of 2021), De Werkvennootschap will provide further information on this concept and seek the opinion of various interest groups (nature and environmental protection organizations, mobility organizations, etc.). ). In this context, information sessions for and with local residents will be organized by De Werkvennootschap (as has already been done several times in the past for bicycle paths, for example), either virtually or otherwise. The necessary NL/FR communication will also be provided in good time to ensure that the population is properly informed.

Following further preparatory talks with the municipalities concerned, as well as information/consultation sessions with interest groups and citizens, a preferred solution for the redevelopment of Boulevard de la Woluwe / R0 Nord will be drawn up by De Werkvennootschap (in cooperation with AWV), including whether or not to maintain the cut-off on the R22. Page 7 sur 7

It is important to note that no concrete and definitive decision has yet been taken concerning these works, either for the R22 cut-off or for the redevelopment of the Kraainem interchange (“ASC”). The Kraainem municipal authorities and the relevant bodies (Werkvennootschap / AWV) are closely monitoring this development.

Timing: the preferred solution should be proposed in 2022