Our program, our vision, our achievements for Kraainem.
Our vision for Kraainem
In everything we do, we are committed to pursuing a policy that is inspired solely by the interests of the commune and the people of Kraainemois. We are attentive to the needs of our citizens, and wish to maintain an ongoing dialogue with them throughout the legislature, keeping them informed with the utmost transparency of what is happening in their commune. We advocate constructive collaboration with the municipal administration, with other political parties and with neighboring regions and municipalities. Our multilingual, open-minded, competent and close-knit team is at your service.

My door is always open,
I’m at your service

Our priorities
We have 13,700 "customers" in the commune who essentially expect us to take care of roads, sidewalks, bike paths, mobility, green spaces, their heritage and their general quality of life. These priorities were on most election platforms in 2018, across the political spectrum. We have quite a few projects, some of which were studied during previous legislatures, and we now need to implement them.