(May 2021)

Problematic regional routes and traffic lights

Since the replacement of the traffic lights at the Avenue Reine Astrid/Avenue de Wezembeek crossroads a few months ago, and the installation of a button-call system, many pedestrians and cyclists have been complaining about the inconvenience and potential dangers of the new lights. There are many non-local users, and it’s not easy to explain how the system works per button. In practice, we see several times a day that people cross on red, which is obviously forbidden and dangerous.

These “intelligent” traffic lights, designed to improve the flow of traffic, were installed by AWV (Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer), the Flemish regional authority in charge of regional roads and traffic.

  • It is important to know that in a commune :
  • Most streets and avenues are communal, which means that their maintenance and the work carried out on them are managed by the commune.

But the most important roads are regional. All decisions concerning developments on these routes are taken by the Flemish Region (in the case of Kraainem). In our commune, these are the Avenue de Wezembeek, the Chaussée de Malines and a section of the Boulevard de la Woluwe. As a result, for potential improvements to some of these roads (notably the Avenue de Wezembeek, which is due for a thorough overhaul), the municipality is dependent on the decisions, planning and budget of the Flemish Region.

For the above-mentioned crossing lights, the College of Burgomasters and Aldermen of Kraainem officially asked AWV in March 2021 to revert to the previous situation (lights automatically turning green for pedestrians at the same time as for cars). We have therefore tabled a motion to the Common Council on April 27, 2021 to lend weight to the college’s request. This will be forwarded to AWV.