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The mayor sees the last days of his campaign go up in smoke due to a Covid infection: “I stick to my own strict rules”.

KRAAINEM – The mayor of Kraainem, Bertrand Waucquez (Kraainem-Unie), has to miss the final days of his election campaign due to a Covid infection. No public appearances, no handshakes, and above all, no markets or rallies. “I had imagined this week quite differently,” he declares.
According to Waucquez, the infection is not serious, and he is mainly concerned with following the instructions he himself had strictly applied earlier during the pandemic. “In 2020, 2021 and 2022, we were very careful. I was known as the burgomaster who didn’t let anything get past him. And honestly, I hope that by doing so, I was able to save a few lives. We were even the first municipality in Flanders, and perhaps in the world, to install CO2 meters everywhere.”
Confined to his attic
The mayor stresses that he is now following his own advice. “Since Friday morning, I’ve tested positive, and although there’s no longer any compulsory quarantine, I’m keen to set an example. I’m here in my attic, away from my wife and our dog Dalton. Of course, I’d prefer to be outside, meeting people, but that’s not possible at the moment.”
Waucquez remains optimistic, however. “The symptoms have almost disappeared and I can start to go out a bit,” according to the doctor, although I’ll obviously be wearing a mask. Until Thursday evening, my duties will be carried out by alderman Johan Forton. But for me, it’s essential not to endanger either my colleagues or the people of Kraainem. It simply wouldn’t be a good signal if I didn’t respect the rules.”
Murphy’s Law
With most of the major campaign events already behind us, the next few days would have been quieter anyway. “It’s obviously a shame that I missed some meetings, especially this weekend, but that’s Murphy’s Law, isn’t it? You have to accept things as they are.”
Despite this setback, Waucquez remains determined. “I’m carrying on, even from a distance at the moment. We’ve worked hard for Kraainem for six years, and I’m convinced that our efforts will pay off on Sunday.”