01.10.2024 – Interview with Bertrand Waucquez, your mayor, and Carel Edwards, president of Kraainem-Unie

Kraainem-Unie is taking part in the municipal elections for the 3rd time with a united team, this time under the name “LB Kraainem-Unie”. Can you tell us a little more about it?
C.E. The success of a team is indeed determined by the people who are part of it. At Kraainem-Unie, we are fortunate to have passionate, positive citizens who want to get involved. Quality candidates with varied profiles, of all ages and from all parts of Kraainem.

What are the 2 priorities for the next legislature?
B.W. We’re continuing to focus on safety: 70% of sidewalks have been renovated, and many bike paths and roads have been redeveloped. We will allocate more resources to the fight against theft and nuisance. We are reinforcing the green and residential character of the commune, notably by confirming the agricultural use of certain fields. As far as schools, social services, etc. are concerned, I refer to our program.

Some members of the French-speaking and Flemish parties have acknowledged that Kraainem-Unie has a thorough knowledge of the issues.
C.E. Thanks to the skills of our team, over the past 6 years we’ve been able to speed up and implement many projects that had been dragging on for several legislatures. Take, for example, the Van Deuren Farm (bought in 2003 as a social project and now Octopus, the CPAS meeting center), the confirmation of the green character of certain fields in Kraainem (on which no agreement had been reached in the past), the construction of 42 social housing units at Champ de la Croix, the suggested strip for cyclists on Avenue Baron d’Huart (which had been dragging on for years), and so on.

As a local movement, you don’t have any contacts at regional or federal level… is that a problem?
B.W. The fact that our focus is on the commune in no way prevents us from having good contacts with regional and federal administrations and authorities. In fact, it’s even more effective if we don’t have a political affiliation: we’re welcome everywhere, and we don’t have to defend the agenda of a party office. On the other hand, we can unfortunately observe that the interactions of traditional parties with their party offices outside Kraainem are not always to the advantage of local citizens (e.g. air pollution vs. economic interests of Brussels Airport, pressure to transform agricultural land into building land…).

Why didn’t you respond favorably to Pro Kraainem’s request to submit a joint list for the municipal elections?
C.E. We have chosen to maintain our own identity as a 100% citizens’ movement, to avoid any instructions from outside Kraainem. But let there be no doubt: for 6 years, we have pursued a positive and constructive policy with Pro Kraainem, with concrete actions in the interest of all citizens.

You’ve been mayor for 6 years. What’s your impression?
B.W. This position has enabled me to meet many of Kraainem’s residents, and their suggestions are always worth listening to. What motivates me is to achieve results that benefit the population. Of course, I sometimes make mistakes, but I have no problem recognizing them and adjusting course. Fortunately, official statistics show that confidence in Kraainem’s municipal administration has risen by 6% during this legislature (which puts us in the Top 10 of Flemish municipalities).

What makes Kraainem-Unie different?
B.W. Of course, every list talks about infrastructure, the environment, mobility, safety, cleanliness, good management and so on. What makes us different:
– Transparency: throughout the legislature (and not just during the election period…), we have communicated extensively with the entire population and published the progress of projects (completed, in progress and postponed) on www.kraainemdoingthings.be
– Several citizen consultations have also been carried out (notably on mobility, general citizen survey, etc.), and we really take them into account. – Actions speak louder than words: ‘Doing things’ is our motto. – We protect green spaces from the ambitions of property developers. – For us, all road users are important. – We bring people together instead of dividing them. We have created a new dynamic and launched numerous events for young and old alike. We encourage citizens’ initiatives, and we’re delighted that many new actions have been set up by local residents during this legislature. – We think ‘outside the box’: take, for example, the use of CO2 meters during the covid crisis, an initiative that was followed worldwide.

A lot of rumors are circulating on social networks. What’s your reaction?
C.E. Unfortunately, Kraainem hasn’t been spared either. People are trying to sow discord, and the distinction between fact and fiction no longer matters. I can only advise people to check the source of the information (fake profiles, anonymity, political color, etc.), as well as the platform on which the rumors are spread. The Facebook group ‘Les Bons Plans de Kraainem’ is managed by the current MR/ DéFi opposition. The manager of ‘Nous aimons la commune de Kraainem’ is a Pro Kraainem candidate… That says a lot. Those in doubt can go to www.bertrandwaucquez.be, where they’ll find a fact check on various rumors. Rumors are also circulating about finances…
B.W. We have always communicated transparently that we are using up a significant part of the reserves after years of stagnation due to community and political squabbles. But we are not on the same wavelength as the opposition: MR/DéFi wanted to use the reserves to build a new community house (and was even prepared to sell the Van Deuren Farm – intended for a social project – to a property developer). In the interest and for the safety of our citizens, we have chosen to invest in long-awaited infrastructure, and in our communal heritage. In 2027, we will finally have completed repayment of the large loans taken out in 2006-2007 (when the debt stood at over 30 million euros!). At the same time, we can’t ignore rising costs due to high inflation (wage costs, energy bills, rising prices of building materials) and have to make choices. We’re constantly looking for ways to cope with this and cut costs (for example, I’m one of the only mayors in Flanders who doesn’t have a secretary, let alone a cabinet).

Any final words to conclude this interview?
C.E. Kraainem has been on a new path since 2018, with stability and prospects for the future. Bertrand Waucquez is a man on the ground, a bridge-builder, very approachable, solution-oriented and calm in difficult situations. With him at the head of the list, and a dynamic team full of experience and renewal, we once again offer you a constructive program. The only thing we ask is this: let us continue our work as citizens of Kraainem, mandated by you, our fellow citizens.
B.W. Kraainem is a commune with many assets: close to Brussels, peaceful and with a diverse population. Like you, my primary concern is to maintain and improve the quality of life in our community. I’m grateful for the many meetings I’ve had over the past 6 years, and for the trust you’ve placed in me. However, our work is not yet finished, and together with you, we hope to continue building a green, healthy and pleasant place to live for all Kraainemois.