Do you pay taxes and want to know why? How is your money used?

Bertrand Waucquez, your finance alderman and burgomaster, takes stock *.
* This is not a communication from the municipal administration.

Dear residents,

With a rigorous, well-thought-out and forward-looking financial policy, every euro spent in Kraainem is analyzed with the utmost care to maintain and improve the quality of life of our residents, not only today, but for years to come. The current state of the commune’s finances does not call for any increase in municipal taxes, either in the short or medium term. Belfius’ annual benchmark1 confirms that the commune’s finances are not only under control and healthy, but are generally in better shape than those of many other communes2, which does not prevent us from keeping a close eye on them…

I regularly talk about the Commune’s financial situation during my weekly Facebook Live videos on Friday evenings at 18:00 [disponibles également sur YouTube], including those following the June 25, 2024 Communal Council, during which the cash flow, reserves and debts are discussed in detail. Feel free to consult them.
The documents corresponding to the annual financial statements and budget modifications are regularly published on the Commune’s website, and can be consulted at any time.

Among others, 3 parameters are decisive in assessing the state of the commune’s finances, and their evolution is commented on below:

  1. Cash flow
  2. Reserves
  3. Indebtedness

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