RTBF – 05-08-2020

The CO2 detector, Kraainem’s mayor’s little idea for combating the coronavirus

Bertrand Waucquez is convinced that, to avoid contamination, in addition to barrier measures such as distancing oneself, wearing a mask and using hydro-alcoholic gel, places where several people are likely to gather should be ventilated. When should I ventilate? To find out, simply install a CO2 detector in the room. The answer is given by the colors displayed by the little black box that measures CO2 concentration.

Green light indicates that all is well; orange, that air quality is deteriorating; red, that the quantity of CO2 released by the breathing of those present is too great. It’s time to air out or leave the room…

In a few weeks, we’ll have to close the doors and windows again.

As the mayor knows, in a few weeks’ time, with autumn approaching, we’ll have to spend more time indoors, closing doors and windows. How, then, can you avoid a large number of people congregating in one room, a classroom, a café… or the counter room at the local authority?

Bertrand Waucquez, who in a previous life worked in the construction sector, considers the expense derisory (a few dozen euros per detector) and would like to provide them to all the places in his commune where promiscuity could become a problem. Some fifty detectors have already been distributed.

The real health benefits of CO2 detectors have yet to be demonstrated

Would the installation of a CO2 detector (and therefore better ventilation of premises) really reduce the spread of the Coronavirus? The idea has not yet received any real scientific backing. Officially, we limit the number of people in a room (customers in a store or children in a classroom), without taking into account the room’s ventilation conditions.

However, ventilation is still a good idea. Sandrine Bladt, head of department in the Chemistry and Indoor Pollution laboratory at Brussels Environment, confirms this, without however establishing a link with the spread of the coronavirus: “Measuring CO2 is a good indicator of the rate of air renewal, and in times of health crisis we must insist on good ventilation. What’s more, as autumn approaches, CO2 measurement will be an interesting parameter to monitor to ensure sufficient air renewal in indoor environments.“.
